Generic Method Invocation with Expression Trees

It’s against the rules and completely unsupported, but sometimes it’s just so much easier to use a base class’s private/internal members. Reflection has always been an option, but performance is less than ideal. Lightweight Code Generation is an option, but emitting IL isn’t for everyone. Since .NET 3.5 came out, there have been several discussions of using expression trees as a developer-friendly yet efficient alternative. There is an up-front cost to compile the expression into IL, but the resulting delegate can be reused with performance very close to direct invocation.

Alkampfer provides a great overview of expression tree method invocation in this article, which inspired this more general solution.

First, let’s set up a cache to store our compiled delegates. I didn’t put much effort into making it efficiently thread-safe, but suggestions are certainly welcome.

private static Dictionary<string, Delegate> accessors = new Dictionary<string, Delegate>();
private static object accessorLock = new object();
private static D GetCachedAccessor<D>(string key)
                 where D : class // Constraint cannot be special class 'System.Delegate'
    D result = null;
    Delegate cachedDelegate;
    lock (accessorLock)
        if (accessors.TryGetValue(key, out cachedDelegate))
            Debug.WriteLine("Found cache entry for " + key);
            result = cachedDelegate as D;
    return result;
private static void SetCachedAccessor(string key, Delegate value)
    if (value != null)
        lock (accessorLock)
            accessors[key] = value;


Now we can dive into our expression trees. As a warm-up, here’s a relatively simple cached field accessor, inspired by Roger Alsing‘s great post:

public static Func<T, R> GetFieldAccessor<T, R>(string fieldName)
    Type typeT = typeof(T);

    string key = string.Format("{0}.{1}", typeT.FullName, fieldName);
    Func<T, R> result = GetCachedAccessor<Func<T, R>>(key);

    if (result == null)
        var param = Expression.Parameter(typeT, "obj");
        var member = Expression.PropertyOrField(param, fieldName);
        var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, R>>(member, param);

        Debug.WriteLine("Caching " + key + " : " + lambda.Body);
        result = lambda.Compile();
        SetCachedAccessor(key, result);
    return result;

The method returns a function that will accept an object of type T and return its fieldName property with type R. For example, we can wrap this in an extension method to check if an SPWeb has been disposed:

public static bool GetIsClosed(this SPWeb web)
    return GetFieldAccessor<SPWeb, bool>("m_closed")(web);

Because the delegate is cached, successive calls of GetFieldAccessor() will immediately return the necessary delegate without recompilation.


Building a method accessor is a bit trickier because of the various combinations of parameter and return types. One option is to explicitly define overloads for various method signatures, as seen in the article referenced earlier. Instead, I figure we can let the caller specify the desired delegate signature and figure out the intended method based on that.

public static D GetMethodAccessor<D>(string methodName, BindingFlags bindingAttr)
                where D : class // Constraint cannot be special class 'System.Delegate'
    Type[] args = typeof(D).GetGenericArguments();
    Type objType = args[0];

    Type[] argTypes = args.Skip(1).ToArray();
    string[] argTypesArray = argTypes.Select(t => t.Name).ToArray();
    string key = string.Format("{0}.{1}({2})", objType.FullName, methodName, string.Join(",", argTypesArray));

    D result = GetCachedAccessor<D>(key);
    if (result == null)
        MethodInfo mi = objType.GetMethod(methodName, bindingAttr, null, argTypes, null);

        if (mi == null || mi.ReturnType != typeof(void))
            argTypes = argTypes.Take(argTypesArray.Length - 1).ToArray();
            mi = objType.GetMethod(methodName, bindingAttr, null, argTypes, null);

        if (mi == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("Could not find appropriate overload.", methodName);

        var param = Expression.Parameter(objType, "obj");
        var arguments = argTypes.Select((t, i) => Expression.Parameter(t, "p" + i)).ToArray();
        var invoke = Expression.Call(param, mi, arguments);
        var lambda = Expression.Lambda<D>(invoke, param.AsEnumerable().Concat(arguments));

        Debug.WriteLine("Caching " + key + " : " + lambda.Body);
        result = lambda.Compile();
        SetCachedAccessor(key, result as Delegate);
    return result;

As you can see, we depend heavily on the generic arguments of the delegate type. This means passing a closed delegate type to this function won’t work – it needs to be Func, Action, or something compatible with the expected argument structure. So what is that structure? The processing logic works like this:

  1. Take the first generic argument as the type whose method we are going to invoke.
  2. Fetch an array, skipping the first argument, that we pass to GetMethod as the argument types.
  3. If GetMethod can’t find an appropriate overload, or if the method’s return type is not void, then we shouldn’t have used all of the arguments as parameters.
  4. Redefine our parameter array without the last argument – this is our delegate’s non-void return type.
  5. Try GetMethod again with the trimmed array; throw if we still don’t find a match.

Once we have the details of our method, we can build the expression tree. I use the mapi-style Select overload to build an array of typed parameters named p0, p1, etc., which is then passed to Expression.Call to represent the method invocation. Finally, Expression.Lambda expects a list of all parameters including the instance param. Rather than allocate an intermediate data structure, I use a trick I picked up from Keith Rimington:

public static IEnumerable<T> AsEnumerable<T>(this T obj)
    yield return obj;

By turning param into a single-element IEnumerable<ParameterExpression>, we can simply Concat the rest of the arguments. Beautiful.

GetMethodAccessor Usage

The usage is a bit more complex then GetFieldAccessor, but still quite manageable:

public static bool SetBoolValue(this SPField field, string attrName, bool attrValue)
    Func<SPField, string, bool, bool> lambda =
        GetMethodAccessor<Func<SPField, string, bool, bool>>("SetFieldBoolValue",
                                                             BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
    return lambda(field, attrName, attrValue);

The intermediate variable is unnecessary, but makes it easier to see what’s going on. SPField.SetFieldBoolValue is of type Func<string, bool, bool>, so our delegate needs to be Func<SPField, string, bool, bool> to accept the instance variable first. The parameters for GetMethodAccessor are identical to what we would pass to field.GetType().GetMethod() if we were using normal reflection. Then we invoke lambda to effectively call field.SetFieldBoolValue(attrName, attrValue).

For methods that return void, we just pass an Action type instead:

public static void SetHidden(this SPField field, bool value)
    GetMethodAccessor<Action<SPField, bool>>("SetHidden", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)(field, value);

And these can be used like any other extension methods:

SPField field = GetField();
field.SetBoolValue("CanToggleHidden", !field.CanToggleHidden);
field.SetBoolValue("CanBeDeleted", !field.CanBeDeleted);

Which will show the following in DebugView:

Caching Microsoft.SharePoint.SPField.SetFieldBoolValue(String,Boolean,Boolean) : obj.SetFieldBoolValue(p0, p1)
Found cache entry for Microsoft.SharePoint.SPField.SetFieldBoolValue(String,Boolean,Boolean)
Caching Microsoft.SharePoint.SPField.SetHidden(Boolean) : obj.SetHidden(p0)

Because of the penalty for compilation, this technique is not right for all situations. But for frequent access to inaccessible members, it might be worth a try.

3 Responses to “Generic Method Invocation with Expression Trees”

  1. Glenn Slayden Says:

    Thanks, I learned here that the Action lambda delegate is used in place of Func when you don’t need to return a value (i.e. void return type)

  2. Refactoring with LINQ & Iterators: FindDescendantControl and GetDescendantControls « Solutionizing .NET Says:

    […] (my new preferred name, to align with F#’s Seq.singleton, for AsEnumerable(), which I introduced here) and Concat() to prepend root to the list of its descendants, returned as a lazy […]

  3. Mackenzie Zastrow Says:

    For GetMethodAccessor, you can also use the Invoke method of the delegate to get the argument types.

    Eg: Type[] args = typeof(TDelegate).GetMethod(“Invoke”).GetParameters().Select(p => p.ParameterType).ToArray()

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